Start Innovation Hub and Evolve Press is organising a 3-day Executive Digital Media Marketing Masterclass for those in the Niger Delta with Ized Uanikhehi as Resource Person. This programme is designed for Media Aides, Entrepreneurs, Social Media Managers, Bloggers, Content Developers, Influencers, Brand Strategists and those who are looking forward to a career in digital marketing.
What is Digital marketing?
Digital marketing or data-driven marketing is a general term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies online and other digital medium. For one to be savvy and remain an authority on this aspect, he needs to be highly skilled in the following fields:
- Paid social media advertising
- Email marketing
- Search Engine Marketing
- Social media marketing
- Content marketing
- Viral marketing
- Visual Marketing
- Report and Analytics and many more.
The masterclass is scheduled to be held as follows:
Venue: Start Innovation Hub
Date: 18th to 20th September, 2017
Time: 10AM to 3PM daily
Come, Learn, Network, Excel.
Click here to register
Enquiries: 09090009216